Friday, June 12, 2009

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Tuesday morning we left from the Detrich's house in SD for Philadelphia. We chose to fly on Southwest Airlines partly because 2 checked bags per ticket are included in the price. Since we'll be gone for more than 6 weeks, we packed lots of things we just may need (like the boys scooters- but i forgot helmets-oops!). All 12 bags plus carry ons and 7 people (thanks for the ride Mark!) were able to fit in the Honda minivan.

It's so much easier to fly now that all the kids are potty trained and can carry their own stuff. This was our first trip without a stroller. We flew to Phoenix then on to Philly with an extra stop in San Antonio. Since the weather was bad in Philly so we had to stay on the plane an extra hour, but at least the plane wasn't crowded so we could spread out.

Peter hadn't flown since he was about 6 months old so this was all new to him. He was very excited and very chatty- talked to the pilot in line before getting on the plane. The take off was a bit too much for him- he peed in his pants in the midst of it.

We made it to my parents house in Whitehall by 2am and got the kids right in bed. Peter was especially excited to see the cats- but we convinced him to hop in bed first. A great beginning to our vacation!!


  1. Jonathan and Johanan read all the way to the bottom. They laughed and want to say "Hi" to everybody.

  2. I am so happy you guys get this time with your family!!!!!!
