Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day Out with Thomas the Train

Last weekend we went to the NY Susquehanna & Western Railway in Philipsburg NJ for a "Day Out with Thomas". Gram, Brenda and cousin Zach joined us too. It's a beautiful shady area where the train runs along the river. The kids were excited to see Thomas blowing his smoke (although Peter pointed out it wasn't the real Thomas since he didn't talk- and Natalie pointed out the drivers on the engine).
The kids loved watching the water go by. We rode out on the tracks about 15 mins then rode backwards to the station. Driving backwards confused the kids- how can Thomas push us backwards?

After the train ride, the kids got to make crafts, pet animals, jump in a bounce house and meet Sir Topham Hat (although Natalie & Zach were too scared to go near him). What a fun memory!

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